I have been lucky enough to study extensively with Kelly Kane, Christine Wright, Jean-Claude West and Madeline Black. My goal in each session is to use the Pilates language, props, and equipment to create stronger, balanced, and more articulate bodies for curious movers and dancers in all stages of their careers.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy?
Every living organism has a cellular process that keeps time with a consistent rhythm, much like our breath is modulated at a relatively consistent rate during inhalation and exhalation. That rate can vary from person to person or with different circumstances, but it tends to remain mostly stable when a person is in a rested, resourced state. Our nervous systems depend on this consistent rate in order to remain optimally healthy. This rhythm was originally discovered by osteopath William Sutherland, who noticed that the cranial bones moved subtly at their sutures in relation to one another and in relation to the cerebrospinal fluid, fascial system (connective tissue), and central nervous system of the body. Sutherland realized that though subtle, this rhythmic motion could be palpated, and believed it to be the root of health in the body. Biodynamic Craniosacral practitioners listen and respond to this rhythm using touch to try to identify areas of inertia or congestion that may be inhibiting a person’s optimal health. These can be physical or emotional trauma, birth trauma, physical injury, toxicity from disease or the environment. If stressors and traumas are unresolved, they can express themselves in the body as points of inertia: tightness or congestion in the connective tissue, central nervous system, or cerebrospinal fluid. BCST aims to help the client process and eliminate long standing inertial patterns in the body, and support the nervous system to make way for new healthier neurological firing patterns that will maximize a person’s health.
BCST is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on technique in which the client is fully clothed and lying on a massage table. It is appropriate for people dealing with acute and chronic injuries and illnesses, as well as all ages; including babies, children, and the elderly.